On Friday the IAB SE Asia Social Committee was formed with great energy and a mission to increase grassroots talent in the SE Asia region in Social Media business skills.

With the group being spearheaded by @kmandel (Chair) – HootSuite APAC MD and @freddie_covi – Twitter APAC Marketing Director, and representation from largest digital platforms everyone’s expecting big things.  I proudly was nominated the Vice-Chair with a specific remit to bring an ‘Agency-lens’ to the group.

More to come on what we will be doing – but there will be definitely be some cool events and content coming!

Some pics from the briefing and kick-off session –

Ken kicking things off to the IAB board and other committee’s:
Ken kicking things off

Me talking about our guiding principles: (be social, have fun, and drink ;))
Chris Bell talking about our principles

Our Social strawman:
Our initial social strawman


Lastly, we are still looking for additional members to join this committee – specifically if you work within a media agency environment.  Get in touch with me if you fancy coming aboard – @chrissbell